A Boat Auto Camping Show organized by Grass Valley Downtown Association.
This California Boat Auto Camping Show will have antique/collectibles, commercial/retail and corp./information exhibitors, and no food booths. There will be 1 stage with Local talent and the hours will be Sat 10am-2pm.
A Fiber Arts Festival organized by Pine Tree Quilt Guild.
This California Fiber Arts Festival will have crafts exhibitors and no food booths. Admission tickets are $10 - $15. This event will also include: silent auction, demonstrations, door prizes, country store, opportunity quilt, vendor vill.
A Festival organized by KVMR 89.5 FM Radio.
This California Festival will have crafts, fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and 17 food booths. There will be 6 stages with International talent and the hours will be Fri 3pm-11pm, Sat 10am-10pm, Sun 10am-9pm. Admission tickets are $45 - $350. This event will also include: jousting, workshops, highland games.
A Bluegrass Festival organized by California Bluegrass Association.
This California Bluegrass Festival will have commercial/retail, corp./information, crafts and fine craft exhibitors, and 8 food booths. There will be 3 stages with National talent and the hours will be Thu 9am-11pm, Fri 9am-11pm, Sat 9am-11pm, Sun 9am-7pm. Admission tickets are $tba. This event will also include: children's program, workshops, luthiers pavilion.